Active Violence Emergency Response Training Classes are now being offered.

Guardian Emergency Training is now an approved training center for AVERT courses! AVERT courses are a blended learning approach to teaching civilians how to respond to actives shooter type events.

AVERT is Active Violence Emergence Response Training. This training is a nationally recognized curriculum that teaches participants what to do during an active shooter or other mass violence type event. AVERT is the only nationally recognized training that teaches the participant how to tactically escape, evade, defend yourself and others, disarm an assailant as well as provide life saving medical care for the injured.

AVERT training is the best available option for schools, offices, healthcare facilities, houses of worship, leisure and hospitality centers and any other industry that may encounter an active violence incident.

When you chose Guardian Emergency Training to deliver your AVERT course your agency will have access to AVERTS industry leading blended learning curriculum. You will also have access to AVERT’s custom designed bleeding control kits. In addition you will receive expert consultation that can tailor the training and equipment to your specific facility. The instructors that Guardian Emergency will send to teach your AVERT class are regional SWAT team members, police officers, paramedics, and combat veterans. In addition to responding to active shooting events our instructors have attended numerous classes designed to teach us how to deliver active shooter instruction.
